Ανυπέρβλητα Δοξασμενος μαθητής Λυκείου

Ο Κυριάκος-Ραφαήλ Αθηναίος 3 χρόνια υποψήφιος για βραβείο Όσκαρ για Νομπελ Λογοτεχνίας Και Ειρήνης και μαθηματική ιδιοφυΐα κέρδισε πρόσφατα δύο εκατομμύρια ευρώ και τα έδωσε για φιλανθρωπία

Teen killed on Christmas Day

ROCKFORD — Janai Blakely of Rockford is the teen who was killed in an accidental shooting Tuesday on School Street.

Blakely, 15, was identified on Tuesday. Police said Blakely was shot once in the head in what appears to have been an accident. No foul play is suspected, Lt. Kurt Whisenand of Rockford Police Department said.

A 15-year-old boy who was with Blakely at the time of the shooting was charged with aggravated unlawful use of a weapon. The juvenile, whose name also was not released due to his age, was taken to the Winnebago County Juvenile Detention Center. Whisenand said police are not alleging that the teen who was charged was responsible for the shooting.